Workshop ONYGENALES 2020
Workshop “ONYGENALES 2020: Basic and clinical research advances in dermatophytes and dimorphic fungi” je setkáním odborníků a studentů zájímajících se o pokroky ve výzkumu dermatofytů, dimorfních a keratinofilních hub.
Odborný program zahrnuje řadu aktuálních témat, jako například výzkum v oblasti rezistencí k antimykotikům, nově se šířících patogenů, faktorů virulence, taxonomie, diagnostiky, epidemiologie, atp. Workshop se koná v historickém centru Prahy, 10.-11. září 2020.
Veškeré informace jsou dostupné na stránkách
Tento workshop je podporován ČDS ČLS JEP
Workshop ONYGENALES 2020
Workshop “ONYGENALES 2020: Basic and clinical research advances in dermatophytes and dimorphic fungi” brings together experts and students from different fields who are connected by their common interests on diverse aspects of research in dermatophytes, dimorphic and keratinophilic fungi.
We guarantee attractive scientific program spanning many hot topics such as antifungal resistance, taxonomy, diagnostics, epidemiology, emerging pathogens, virulence factors, and many others. The workshop will be held in a historic city center of Prague, the Czech Republic, from 10 September – 11 September, 2020.
Do not miss this unique opportunity to meet and connect with experts from the whole world. Learn about current research directions and priorities in the field. Get feedback on your projects and receive advice by the experts in a friendly and casual atmosphere.
You can find all necessary information on our website
This Workshop is supported by The Czech Dermato-venerological Society